Sunday 22 February 2009

News: Quick Storys

the 7th day, a day of rest, and one that we all like to just chillout and play some games. Games you say? well hell what has happened this week for games Mac?
Oh i'm glad you asked Mr voice in my head.This is a quick run down of all the news, well important news that has happened this week.
+Street Fighter IV[Review coming soon], GTAIV Lost and damned and Noby Noby Boy where realeased
+Mass Effet 2 was revealed [The character you created from the first Mass Effect can be used in the Mass Effect 2]
+Sony Finally relased its first trailer for Killzone 2 [Cant believe it has taken them this long to Market this game] Check out trailer here
+Riddick: Dark Athena New Trailer
So yeh thats that adios for now.
Oh and Cheese [Kie] will soon put a Films and Anime page up :]

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