Saturday 8 May 2010

Little Big Story

Here is a quick video of the level i created in LittleBigPlanet
This is the intro to what will hopfuly be many more [when i can be arsed]

Friday 7 May 2010

Updates, updates, updates...

Wow it's been awhile since this has been updated [ My bad :/ ]
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig update though, we have spent some pennys [and pounds] and got us some capture feed equipment, there's going to be some changes to the way we do things and well, make it alittle more managable for us.

So yeah Capture feed :]
We will be able to record live from ps3/xbox helping us with reviews and quick looks or 'Quickies' [yeah that names a work in progress] at games and demos :]

Will be posting a few test videos up soon so yey :]
Also we will be setting both a youtube and facebook accounts for you lovely people :]
Adios for now!

Tuesday 21 July 2009

News : Users Upload Content for Rockband

According to the site MTV have joined forces with Rockband and created a new upload program. Its currently in private bata and will be in public bata coming somtime in August. They hope to Bring it out before the end of the year

News : Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny

The new installment to the Soul Calibur Series will be hitting the psp, somthing i didnt know was that Kratos [God of War] will be a playable character in the game. Now if like me you where horrified by the inclusion of the StarWars chracters in Soul Calibur IV then you might have the same 'Eeeeep' expression on your face.
The thing that got me about the StarWars characters was the amount of skills they had and the amount of damage they caused. It was unfair. Well judging from the video Link to video here it seems that kratos might be in the same line.

Monday 20 July 2009

Review : Call of Juarez : Bound in Blood

The Review for Call of Juarez: Bound in blood is now up check the link :]
Call of Juarez : Bound in blood

SkintGamers Podcast One : And so it begins...

Here is the first SkintGamers Podcast Whoooop!
Its about five months old but, Whoooop!
Also the player is abit rubbish, it the simplest one to embed [Been so long since i have done HTML i have forgot everything] And its also pink but still, Whoooop!

Enjoy :]
[Dave and Kieran]

Tuesday 24 February 2009

News : Dante's Hell

Well from the team that brought you Dead Space comes Dante's inferno. Yup the game
thats based on Divine Comedy Which talks about the nine circles of hell I never
read all of it, but i remember the 1st circle being Limbo and that Cerberus had
somthing to do with guarding the damned souls in the 3rd circle of hell Anywho
to check out the new trailer click here

Monday 23 February 2009

Mass Effect 2 Taiser Trailer

Mass Effect 2 teaser trailer now up, check it out at the offical ME2 site

Sunday 22 February 2009

Trailer : Quentin Tarantino 'Inglourious Basterds'

To view trailer click here

News: Quick Storys

the 7th day, a day of rest, and one that we all like to just chillout and play some games. Games you say? well hell what has happened this week for games Mac?
Oh i'm glad you asked Mr voice in my head.This is a quick run down of all the news, well important news that has happened this week.
+Street Fighter IV[Review coming soon], GTAIV Lost and damned and Noby Noby Boy where realeased
+Mass Effet 2 was revealed [The character you created from the first Mass Effect can be used in the Mass Effect 2]
+Sony Finally relased its first trailer for Killzone 2 [Cant believe it has taken them this long to Market this game] Check out trailer here
+Riddick: Dark Athena New Trailer
So yeh thats that adios for now.
Oh and Cheese [Kie] will soon put a Films and Anime page up :]

Thursday 19 February 2009

Review: Alone in the dark

Alone in the dark review now up, click below to read.

Alone in the dark:Am i really alone?


Wednesday 18 February 2009

News: And so it begins...

blogsite, will be the home of many a rants and cursing's while empty bottles rest on the floor.
We'll discuss Games, films and write reviews and express if they are worth the money. If not, well hell thats what receipts are for rite? Get us some Mofo refunds!
We'll be writting reviews and also random convo's as the days go on as well as just talkin bout the events of days gone by.
Will be settin up a podcast soon too, which will allow you to bask in our sexy voices.
We're Mac&Cheese and we are the SkintGamers

Mac [Dave] Cheese [Kieran]
Peace and Adios