Saturday 8 May 2010

Little Big Story

Here is a quick video of the level i created in LittleBigPlanet
This is the intro to what will hopfuly be many more [when i can be arsed]

Friday 7 May 2010

Updates, updates, updates...

Wow it's been awhile since this has been updated [ My bad :/ ]
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig update though, we have spent some pennys [and pounds] and got us some capture feed equipment, there's going to be some changes to the way we do things and well, make it alittle more managable for us.

So yeah Capture feed :]
We will be able to record live from ps3/xbox helping us with reviews and quick looks or 'Quickies' [yeah that names a work in progress] at games and demos :]

Will be posting a few test videos up soon so yey :]
Also we will be setting both a youtube and facebook accounts for you lovely people :]
Adios for now!