Tuesday 21 July 2009

News : Users Upload Content for Rockband

According to the site Billboard.biz MTV have joined forces with Rockband and created a new upload program. Its currently in private bata and will be in public bata coming somtime in August. They hope to Bring it out before the end of the year

News : Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny

The new installment to the Soul Calibur Series will be hitting the psp, somthing i didnt know was that Kratos [God of War] will be a playable character in the game. Now if like me you where horrified by the inclusion of the StarWars chracters in Soul Calibur IV then you might have the same 'Eeeeep' expression on your face.
The thing that got me about the StarWars characters was the amount of skills they had and the amount of damage they caused. It was unfair. Well judging from the video Link to video here it seems that kratos might be in the same line.

Monday 20 July 2009

Review : Call of Juarez : Bound in Blood

The Review for Call of Juarez: Bound in blood is now up check the link :]
Call of Juarez : Bound in blood

SkintGamers Podcast One : And so it begins...

Here is the first SkintGamers Podcast Whoooop!
Its about five months old but, Whoooop!
Also the player is abit rubbish, it the simplest one to embed [Been so long since i have done HTML i have forgot everything] And its also pink but still, Whoooop!

Enjoy :]
[Dave and Kieran]